
What is a syringe (medical appliance)


A syringe is a common medical device. As early as the 15th century, the Italian Cartiner proposed the principle of a syringe. The needle or needle is used to extract or inject gas or liquid.

Syringes can also be used for medical equipment, containers, and some scientific instruments such as chromatography that are injected through a rubber septum.

As early as the 15th century, the Italian Cartiner proposed the principle of a syringe. But it was not until 1657 that the British Boyle and Rennes conducted the first human trials. Abel, a surgeon in the army of King Louis XVI of France (reigned 1774-1792), also conceived a piston syringe. But Pravoz in France is generally considered the inventor of the syringe. The syringe he produced in 1853 was made of silver, had a capacity of only 1 milliliter, and had a threaded piston rod.

The Englishman Ferguson was the first to use a glass syringe. The glass has good transparency, and you can see the situation of the injected drug. Thereafter, the syringe made of glass tube metal and used can be sterilized by boiling, and the needle can be sharpened and reused. The syringe is made of plastic and thrown away once, greatly reducing the risk of infection during injection. In order to ensure hygiene and prevent cross infection, contemporary syringes are mostly made of plastic.

Generally use 2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml or 20 ml syringes, occasionally 50 ml or 100 ml, intradermal injections use 1 ml syringes.

Syringes can be made of plastic or glass, and usually have a scale indicator on them to indicate the volume of liquid in the syringe. Glass syringes can be sterilized with an autoclave, but modern plastic syringes are mostly made of plastic because of the lower processing costs of plastic syringes, which further reduces the risk of bloodborne diseases. The spread of disease among intravenous drug users, especially HIV and hepatitis, is related to the repeated use of needles and syringes.


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