
Top 100 Medical Futures of 2019


From December 20th to 22nd, 2019, the 2019 Future Medical 100 Powerful Conference with the theme of "Addition of Life" was held in Beijing Jiuhua Villa.Pure Ophthalmology was invited to attend this conference. The conference focused on the policy environment, Multiple factors such as technological environment and demand space, comprehensively interpret the future development trend of the medical and health industry, and promote the innovation of the medical and health industry. The "Top 100 Future Medical Lists of 2019", which attracted much attention from the industry, was also officially announced at the meeting.

With a solid national layout, solid operational capabilities and a complete organizational system, Preh Ophthalmology was successfully listed in the "TOP100 China Medical Service List 2019", ranking 18th, fully reflecting the company's strength and growth potential.


Future Medical Conference


As the top professional service organization in the medical industry in China, Arterial.com officially held the Top 100 Medical Forum of the Future in 2015. So far, it has been held for the fifth time, and it has gradually grown into a major brand activity in the innovative medical industry.

The 2019 Future Medical Conference is hosted by Arterial Network and Eggshell Research Institute, and is sponsored by KPMG China, Junlian Capital, BV Baidu Venture Capital, Weilai Capital, Pricewater Capital, Tsinghua Nomura China Research Center, Changling Capital, Lenovo Star, It is co-sponsored by Yuanzheng Capital, Internet Hospital Branch of China Research Medical College, Immerta, Zero2IPO Capital, and Research Value.

The scale of this conference reached a new high, attracting more than 5,000 domestic and foreign top medical and health innovation companies, listed companies, financial institutions and medical institutions.

The theme of this year's conference forum is "Additional Life", with a total of 15 forums covering 11 hot areas in 2019, namely: Future Medical Summit, Top 100 Summit, Leadership Summit, Health Medical Fund Partners Summit, China-Japan Health Industry Development Forum, Innovative Medicine Forum, Innovative Health Insurance Forum, Digital Pathology and Precision Diagnosis Forum, Health Management Forum, Medical Device Forum, Internet Hospital Forum, Smart Hospital Construction Forum, Pharmaceutical Enterprise Digital Marketing Forum, Biotechnology Forum, Medical Artificial Intelligence Forum.


Future Medical Top 100 List


The Future Medical Top 100 List (referred to as VB100) is the first domestic innovative medical and health field list for non-listed companies jointly launched by Arterial Network and Eggshell Research Institute in 2015.It aims to select Chinese innovations that truly represent future medical treatment. Enterprises have discovered the core strength of China's future medical and health industry and promoted the process of innovation and change in the medical and health industry.

On the basis of summing up the experience of the list in the past few years, the 2019 Future Medical Top 100 list has been optimized and upgraded. There are five main lists and 18 sub-lists in the 2019 Top 100 Medical Futures List, covering the four major areas of medical services, innovative devices, digital medicine, innovative medicine and third-party medical imaging centers, mental health, electronic medical records, surgical robots, Dozens of subdivided fields such as rehabilitation equipment.

The list is mainly based on the latest round of valuation of the company, and combines the company's patent situation, product development, core team, partners, industry structure, corporate reputation and other dimensions as the basis for the ranking.

The Future Medical Top 100 list is divided into three stages for production: the first stage is the preliminary selection, and the VB100 preliminary selection group organizes the preliminary selection list through registration channels, expert recommendations, and public information collection;

The second stage is the review.The VB100 review team, consisting of senior researchers at the Eggshell Research Institute and senior reporters at the Arterial Network Content Center, independently reviews the data on the recommended list provided in the preliminary selection stage to form a VB100 recommendation list;

The third stage is the review. The founding team of Arterial Network reviews the important information of the recommended list anonymously with investors in the industry, experts in various fields, policy researchers, etc., and finally determines the VB100 list.

The whole process took 3 months to finally take shape and was publicly released at the 2019 Future Medical 100 Strong Conference.


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